Week 4 Update
During the previous week, our team continued to work on the algorithm for blood vessel detection, and we continued to try to reproduce the algorithm for the same results. While working on the vessel detection algorithm, we have also begun the algorithm for the field detection. The field is the circular, most significant part of the retinal images. One of the most important parts of the overall code is the code that removes the external dark space in the image.

As you can see, with this external space removed, we can analyze the image more directly. The goal of our team's blood vessel detection code is to produce an image that correctly identifies the field of a retinal image.
In the upcoming week, we will conclude the field detection code and continue working on the blood vessel detection. This algorithm will be time consuming, so we've gathered more articles of the same subject as ours to complete more literature review to assist us in reaching the finished code.
The database of images referenced to is: